FREE DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE Softonic need-for-speed-most-wanted GAME ONLINE

The latest Need for Speed iteration combines the illicit street racing of the past two versions with the cop-chasing gameplay that made the original NFS games so popular. The result is an engaging racing adventure where you must build your rap sheet to advance up the ladder of street-racing heroes. The demo frustrates with a lack of game information, but the generous amount of content, impressive graphics, and both single-player and multiplayer modes combine to justify a top rating.
After the obligatory but appreciated "Don't try this at home" disclaimer from model and in-game hottie Josie Maran, you'll have the opportunity to try three Quick Races or three Challenges in single-player action, or connect to the EA servers for races against other online humans. The Quick Races include two Sprints, which are straight-up races against computer opponents, and one Speedtrap, where your object is to get the highest speed possible without getting caught. The Challenges are: Pursuit Length, where you must avoid cops in hot pursuit; Toolbooth Time Trial, where you must travel between two way points in a specified time; and Roadblock, where you must avoid six police installations. Two versions of the Mustang and Porsche are available for racing. The online gameplay requires a free EA account, but be sure to read the privacy statement and terms of service before signing up.
The graphics are remarkably improved from the last version, and Adbusters will be happy to note the gratutitous product placement that plagued NFS Underground 2 is happily missing. The demo offers a great introduction to the basic gameplay, and also provides several hours of entertainment.

Trik Dasar Bermain Need For Speed Most Wanted.

1. polisi tidak bisa melihat menembus objek, misalnya dinding atau komplek perumahan.2. helikopter punya kelemahan di beberapa tempat yang bikin dia gilaMisalnya : di balkon rockport university, loe masuk ke rockport university trus cari jalan menuju balkon ato tempat apalah yang nembus ruang seni, trus berenti disitu, klo loe dah diikuti helikopter helikopter cuma muter2 di atas loe aja n gak ada polis yang bisa nangkep loe. cari di youtube juga ada rekaman videonya dengan keyword nfsmw crazy helicopter.3. kalo loe ketemu suv usahakan jangan bagian depan loe yang di tabrak, cz mobil loe pasti mental ama tu mobil, ya klo loe dah master coba aja lah, ini khan blognya pemula.4. kecepatan maksimal mobil polis heat level 5 adalah 225-240, ya sekitar itulah gue ukur pake mobil plus cheat enggine. tapi walaupun mobil polis kecepatannya di atas rata-rata lo gak usah takut, polis level 5 kelemahannya ada pada teknik penyergapannya, polis 5 masih kurang agresiv jadi loe bisa ajak keliling kota ssambil cari pursuit breaker.5. Blokade mobil punya kelemahan yaitu di sisi belakang mobilnya, pokoknya loe jangan tabrak bagian depan mobil itu karena di jamin pasti ada kesialan yang menghadang anda. klo g percaya coba aja.Pelajaran kedua teknik mengemudi.1. cara berbelok 90 derajat pas, caranya loe pake speed break trus klo udah pas di tikungan kasih nitro dikit aja mobil udah nurut ama perintah loe mobil g bakal slip, dan sudah teruju secara klinis.2. Untuk lintasan yang pendek dan banayk tikungan saya sarankan anda menggunakan mobil dodge viper, karena meskipun ntu mobil lemot tapi di tikungan di jago bro.\3. untuk mobil drag ada 3 mobil yang menurut q pas banged, pake Corvete, Gallardo, atau pake Lamborgini Murcielago.Pelajaran Ketiga Pink slip1. Mobil pink slip yang anda dapatkan performanya satu level di atas mobil yang loe pake waktu lawan black list itu. klo loe pake mobil jelek, dapetnya ya mobil yang performanya jelek, jadi gue saranin loe pake mobil terbaik buat lawan boS.2. Kalo loe dah ngalahin bos pasti ada pilihan siruh pilih item itu khan, kalo loe penged dapet pink slip. bagian random icon loe pilih satu klo loe gak dapet, tekan Alt + F4 dan ulangi race lalu pilih random pick lainnya, jangan pilih random pick yang sama. nb : itu cara klo loe bner-bner ngebet pengen dapet tu mobil.


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